Hmm.. Where do I start with this one ?? My mind is all jumbled up after reading the book so let's start on how I know about this book I guess.
To be honest with you, I don't really watch Connor's videos, I don't really stay up to date with his posts (but to be fair, I don't really follow and stay up to date with Celebrities or YouTubers. I only followed max 10 famous people on my instagram hahahaha) But I know who Connor is, how he looks like and I've watched a couple videos and I remember thinking what a great smile on that cute face :p
Anyways, I wasn't really interested in reading non-fiction before. Most of the books that I read is Romance, mostly Adult Romance because some of the teenage love story are sometimes too cliche or expected or repeated but yeah, I've never really been into memoir or auto-biography before, probably cause I'm lacking in the love section of my life so I get my feels from hot billionaire like Damien Stark ;) Okay, need to stop getting side tracked !! So yeah, my first biography book is 'Is Everybody Hanging Out Without Me' By Mindy Kaling (which btw, I did a review too if you want to check it out :D) and ever since then I've been more into biographies. And I know he published a book and saw it a couple of times on instagram so I decided why not since the cover is really pretty. I really enjoyed the book, therefore here I am writing a review close to midnight and I got work tomorrow morning but I can't not write it. Here's my review :
" Who Are You ?
Answer : You are who you are in this given moment. Label-less, Limitless. "
- Page 135
The way Connor sees the world and everything around him amazes me. I've been trying lately to not let my insecurities get in my way. I know that no matter what I do, people will judge anyway and I've accepted that but Connor explains it in such a manner that I realize that I still have a long way to go to fully accept myself. He's only 23 years old but somehow he's manage to capture all the shits that some adults might not be able to and that deserves a good pat on the shoulder. His words inspired me and I hope that it inspires other too. And not only that he's cute he also gives good advice for many things in your life and I'll know I will never forget about it as it is quite memorable to me.
But the thing that I like most about this book is the photos inside. Those photos helps to tell the story better and there are beautiful photos inside that deserves to be look at. I recommend this book to any non-fiction lover out there. Don't let his age or his popularity stops you from reading it because I know there are some of you out there that's a little bit ehh about this book because you think he's still too young to know shit or because he's a youtuber and he's just trying to gain more money from his popularity. Toss those judgment out for a second and give this book a go !!
Release Date : 21 April 2015
Genre : Memoir
Author : Connor Franta
Rate : 5/5 !!
*Do let me know what you think of this book and of my review, it's a little bit longer so I hope you enjoyed it more :)
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