Orphaned and alone, Chloe Weston is forced to leave everything she knows and start over with nothing more than a shattered heart. But it isn't long until the Hartley boys–both of them–begin to mend the broken pieces. Kind, loving, and reliable Hudson Hartley would move mountains to see her smile.
On the contrary, fun, sexy, bad boy, Jax Hartley, only wants to help her forget about her pain. Filling the void in Chloe's life, the brothers vie for her attention--and heart. But only one can have her...
Title : Falling For Hudson (Marlowe #2)
Release Date : 22 December 2015
Author : Alexandria Bishop
Buy It Now !! Amazon
I’m sitting in my theater class right now, which is one giant joke. I get it. Ashtyn’s mom registered me for classes and she knows the old me. The old me would have been buzzing with energy as soon as I stepped foot in this amazing theater that’s way too good to belong to a high school. The teacher drones on and on about auditions, volunteer opportunities, internships, blah, blah, blah. The acoustics make it sound like he’s standing right next to me rather than one hundred feet away on the stage. Basically perfect.
A packet is passed onto my desk: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” I pick it up and run my fingers along the title and wait for the adrenaline rush and butterflies to flutter through me. My favorite Shakespeare play is within my reach. I could stand up on that stage and pretend to be Helena. Steal the show and have everyone fall in love with me. But as I look at that stage, all I feel is the darkness closing in. I feel like I’m standing in front of an audience as they judge me and not a single supporter among them. There’s a hole where Mom should be, and rather than let the panic start up, I toss the script to the side.
It’s one of my favorite Shakespeare plays. I always preferred the comedies to the tragedies, and when you throw in a little love, you have something there. With the proximity to the Shakespeare Festival, I get the idea that the theater program is pretty competitive here. I wish I cared enough to see how good I am.
“Mr. Hemmer, are you requiring everyone to audition for the play again this year?” I try to ignore the annoying sound coming from Brooke’s mouth, but my ears perk up nonetheless.
He clears his throat and rolls his eyes. No one else is looking at him, so I’m the only one who caught it, but at least I know I’m not the only one that can’t stand her. She’s so fake it’s disgusting. “No, Brooke, that turned out to be a disaster last time. No one will be required to audition, but everyone here will be required to help out in some way, whether that is working on the sets or any of the other backstage jobs. I do hope you all consider auditioning for a part though.”
She can’t even hide the ridiculous smile that is plastered all over her face. In the most saccharine voice, she says, “That’s good. I’m sure there are some people in here that just aren’t meant for being on stage.” I turn to look at her, and she’s staring straight at me. I hold her gaze and refuse to back down from her. I match my sickeningly sweet smile to hers, although mine’s a little more serial killer than cheerleader. It works though. Her mouth opens in horror and she turns back around.
Down in the kitchen, I find Jax, luckily alone. He never cared about flaunting his latest conquests around, but since Chloe has been staying here, I haven’t seen a single one. I’m extremely grateful, and I wonder if he even knows he’s doing it. “Hey man, what are you doing up so early?”
Looking up from his overflowing bowl of Cap’n Crunch, he says, “Chloe isn’t exactly a quiet crier. But I’m used to it at this point. I don’t have anywhere to be, so I can just sleep all day.”
“Sorry about that. I think it’s just hitting her a little harder today. Stuff like your first day of senior year is important to girls like Chloe. It’s the first major life moment that her parents are missing.”
“I get it, dude. I haven’t said anything because she’s going through shit right now. I’m not a major
asshole, or at least I try not to always be.”
Oddly enough, I think that’s the first normal conversation we’ve had in a long time. The Hartley brothers don’t have heart-to-hearts, as funny as that sounds. Honestly, if it weren’t for the band, I don’t think we’d be as close as we are. That’s about all we have in common. The silence drags on, and although it isn’t uncomfortable for me, Jax can never have it be silent for too long. He always has to fill the silence in some way.
One night when I was watching TV, Jax came in, and just like any older brother he took the remote and changed the channel. I thought about arguing, but I was too exhausted and went with it. Five minutes after he found something, I could hear mumbling. I looked over and his mouth was moving. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude. I’m not doing anything. What are you doing?”
“Yes you are. Wait…are you saying all of the lines?”
“No. Why would I do that? That’s weird.”
After another five minutes, he started up again. He was oblivious to the fact he was doing it, or he
couldn’t hold out any longer. Either way, it was some pretty funny shit.
“Do you think the Flash can turn his dick into a human vibrator during sex?”
And there it is. What the fuck? I stare at him incredulously. “Where do you come up with this shit?”
He holds up his juice glass, and I notice it’s adorned with the members of the Justice League. “C’mon, just think about it.”
I shake my head. “I don’t know. I guess that makes sense.”
“Dude, that would be awesome.”
I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation right now. “Just don’t tell the ladies your theory.”
“Why not?”
“Because then they’d be disappointed in your lack of vibrating abilities.”
“Trust me, brother, no chick has ever left my bed disappointed.”
“Dude, I don’t want to know how any girl feels leaving your bed. That’s between you and whoever your latest hookup is.” He opens his mouth to say something, but Chloe walks in the room and he shuts it right back up. I don’t know what was going on between Chloe and Jax over the summer, but it stopped after that night. The two of them don’t even talk to each other anymore. Or more like Jax doesn’t talk to Chloe. I think he feels responsible for the accident, but I’ve told him time and again it wasn’t his fault.
About The Author
Born in a small southeastern island in Alaska, Alexandria moved to southern Oregon early on in her life.Where she still resides with her young daughter, husband, and fur baby.
She's insanely obsessed with fashion and used to dream of becoming a fashion designer creating new
outfits for her Barbie's with her childhood best friend. For now she's loving writing and fulfilling her
fashion addiction with shopping.
Along with fashion, Alexandria is a big lover of music. She's always listening to something while writing and creates a playlist to go along with each book she writes. She's always on the hunt for new music and loves getting suggestions from her readers.
Alexandria spends way too much time on social media and would love for you to say hi!
Alexandria Bishop - Falling for Hudson
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