One job ad,
One lavender delivery,
One out of the blue laugh…
Would change his life forever.
Cooper Hepburn is tired of the suburbs. Tired of his mother’s constant nagging
for him to settle down, tired of his sisters and tired of his boring career. The last
thing Cooper wants is to get married and have children. He needs an escape
from suburbs living, and coming across a job ad at a lavender farm in the middle
of country Victoria is his answer. Deciding to let fate take control, Cooper applies,
hoping the small tourist town of Daylesford is the change he seeks.
Little does Cooper know that one delivery to The Spencer-Reid will change his
life in a single moment.
The very moment he meets the beautiful hotel owner.
Peyton Spencer.
The woman that would become so much more than just his sometimes.

Release Date : 22 March 2016
Genre : Romance
Author : Len Webster
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“Are you insane?” Margot shouted, her voice echoing in his car’s speakers.
It was too late.
He had quit his job without a second thought. Cooper’s house was up for rent,
and he was twenty minutes from Daylesford, country Victoria. He was terrible at
goodbyes. Only because he never had to say them often enough. But when he
got the call that he got the job as operations manager at Scott Family Lavender
Farm, he decided to leave Warren Meadows and follow where life took him.
“I’m a very rational person,” he said, knowing that it would piss her off.
“A rational person doesn’t move three hours away to take a job that is a lot more
work than his last and a pay cut. Cooper, you are working for less money!”
He laughed. “It’s not about the money, Margie. It’s about trying something new. I
looked and Daylesford is really nice.”
“So is an Audi but you don’t see me blowing mine and Phil’s savings on one on a
whim,” she scolded.
“This feels right,” he said, eyes still on the highway.
“That’s it. You’re insane. Mum is going to go insane. And then she’s going to
make me go insane. What kind of heartless brother are you?”
“You’re being dramatic.”
“You’re being careless.”
“Daylesford could change my life,” he said.
She let out a short laugh. “Unlikely. But hey, it’s your life. Get ready to be bored
with it. Small town? Seriously, Coop?”
To his left, a sign caught his eye. He wasn’t sure why, but he indicated to the left.
He pulled over and put his car in park.
“Seriously. I gotta go. I’ll call you later. I love you, Margot.”
“I love you, too, Coop. I love your insanity sometimes. Not sure how I feel about
this particular time, though. I’ll call you later.”
Cooper hung up by pressing the ‘end call’ button on his steering wheel. He
looked into the side mirrors to see no car coming, and he slipped out of his silver
Range Rover. He rounded the car and stood in front of the sign with a smile.
Because he wasn’t wrong.
This moment.
This decision.
Felt right.
Welcome to Daylesford, Victoria.
About The Author

Len Webster is a romance-loving Melburnian with dreams of finding her version of ‘The
One.’ But until that moment happens, she writes. Having just graduated with her
BBusCom from Monash University, Len is now busy writing her next romance about
how a boy met a girl, and how they fell completely and hopelessly in love.
She is also not a certified explorer, but she’s working on it.
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