Being around Parker Taylor is like walking a tightrope; the feelings of lust and hate
come with the sway of my emotions. One foot in front of the other keeps my life
balanced until he causes my steps to falter. One day, I hate his perfect self, and the
next, I want to have his babies. He’s a bad habit I can’t allow myself to become
addicted to …
Being around Kelsey Whitten makes my blood rush and not only south. One minute,
I’m pushing her up on the bathroom counter, and the next, she’s cussing at me from
those sweet lips of hers. One taste from her smart mouth and I'm sign-me-up-for-a-
twelve-step-program addicted. She’s habit-forming and that doesn’t work for me …

Release Date : 29 December 2015
Genre : Romance, New Adult
Author : Ashley Christin
Buy It Now !!
Taking a few deep, quiet breaths, my mind tries to wrap around the information I just eavesdropped on. When the truck engine fires up, I’m jolted out of my thoughts, wasting no time to make it to him, desperate to be near him and not knowing why.
He’s rolling down his window when I jerk his door open, out of breath from my run and the words he told Ava. Emotions feed my soul, fueling my actions.
His face displays shock while his strong arms hold the door ajar. “Kelsey?”
Stomping my foot onto the running board of his truck brings me level with his beautiful face. “Shut up,” I demand then I attack his mouth, swept up in the emotions his earlier words brought. Parker tangles one hand in my hair at the base of my neck opening my mouth further to him while his other hand squeezes my body tight to his. I can smell the sweat on him as well as feel it while I run my hands through his helmet hair. I love him messy.
We part breathing heavy before I murmur against his lips, “I’m so proud of you, Parker.”
“I’ll ride like that or better every damn time for kisses like that.” His voice rumbles through me while his eyes spark, fueling my core. “You’re cute when you blush.” He rubs our noses against each other.
“Why’re you way out here when you should be celebrating?” My breathing accelerated.
“I’m beat. I could use a sugar high, sweetness.” Oh, ooooh, is this the ride Brea was talking about?
“You just said you’re tired.”
Strong arms pull me in tighter to his body. “Never too tired for you.” Since I’m still standing on the running board , I decide to throw one leg over and straddle his lap.
The steering wheel digs into my back while his shifter digs into my center. “Askin’ for trouble,” he growls, fingertips digging into my hip bones to steady my grinding.
“I heard the ride after the ride is the best. Know anything about that?” I muse, licking my lips for good measure.
“Just might.” His teeth graze my bare shoulder while his hips thrust upward, and I let out a moan. I’m so, so thankful I decided on a sundress for today. “You’re fuckin’ killin’ me.”
“I’m ready for my run. However, I’m the only contestant.” I can feel my smile falter for a split second, and pray he didn’t notice. I don’t need my insecurities showing. “Hope I place.” Biting my bottom lip to hide my slip, I grind down on his hardness.
“Kelsey.” My name coming from his voice, rough but soft, like dead leaves rustling on the ground in the fall, hits me right in the heart. “You’re number one.” Strong handsroam over my neck, back, and shoulders as I try to push back the questions on the tip of my tongue. How many has he said that to in the past? The desert has relocated to my mouth; it’s so dry. I’m desperate to have him at this moment and to know the answer to my question. Calloused hands skim up and down my thighs while my fingers fumble to unbutton his jeans. Once the pesky zipper is finally down, I reach in, warm solid velvet greeting me and I grab a hold of my trophy. Sliding my palm back and forth, his head rises from watching me. “I need your sweetness, baby.”
One hand grips my left hip tightly as the other reaches under my skirt, finding the lace below. With ease, he slides it over, bunching it in his left hand that’s still holding my hip in place. A lone finger slides between my folds as a moan escapes me.
Parker’s lips part, absorbing my plea for more. “Please tell me you’re my prize, that this sweet pussy is mine.” My skin is hypersensitive to his touch, and his words are making it worse. If a body can call out to another, then mine is screaming for his. “Did you wear this sexy sundress for me?” His lips stealing my reply.
“Ah, yes. Parker, please …” He’s testing me, and I’m failing.
“Say you’re my prize. Tell me you want to ride my dick, Kelsey. I want to hear you fuckin’ say it because I damn sure want your beautiful pussy wrapped around me.” That dirty mouth does me in.
“If you want me as your prize, then fuck-” Thrust. He slams into me, fingers biting into the flesh of my hips, and I love it. “Yessss.” The pant escapes me as I’m filled with him
“Fuckin’ best.” Thrust. “Prize.” Thrust. “Ever.” My head falls back and the pressure of my back causes the horn to honk. I jump up trying to move off of him. “Don’t move.” I freeze and then am jolted forward as he shifts his seat back and continues. “Show me your tricks,” he muses, brow quirked up and that side smile in place.
Glancing around I see no one is surrounding the truck demanding we stop, as I thought. Everyone must be attending the after party. My body adjusts to fit him, but it feels amazing. I start to move, slow at first, but that doesn’t last long. Soon, the only sound that fills the cab is skin slapping skin. Sweat gathers on our bodies while I drown in the pleasure of having him inside me.
Parker pulls me close to him as we move together. Soft lips brush across mine. “I’ll never get enough of you.” We’re so deep in the passion of things, I can’t take his statement to heart, but damn, it’s hard. It flutters around in my ribcage, the betrayer.
“Say it again.” I pull away for a moment to gaze into his eyes, and then it hits me, so I never lose my focus on him.
“I’m so very proud of you, Parker.” The whole time, he moves slowly inside me. In and out, pause, in and out. Two becoming one and damn, for the first time in forever,
I wish I believed in fairy tales. He kisses me with so much depth, I feel it down to my toes and I cling to him. At this moment, I’m his.
Feeling him inside me brings so many emotions to the surface, emotions I’m not going to deal with. I feel him swell inside me, and I moan, “Parker.” I want him even closer, although we’re as close as two people could ever be. I arch up as he slams into me, and I fall apart right in his arms. It hits me so hard, it’s unexpected.
“Sweetness, fuckkkk!” His teeth graze my shoulder during his climax, and my head slumps against his, exhausted. I wish I could stay in this moment forever, but now, I have to face the music. A kiss touches my shoulder where his bite marks must be, soothing it. “Kelsey.” Throat full of raw emotion, his voice causes my heart to drop out of my chest. I thought, I don’t know, I thought this meant something, but the regret in his voice doesn’t verify that.
Sliding off him and into the passenger seat, I adjust my dress and try to open the door while he buttons his jeans and slides the seat back up. Even though my heart is currently racing at full speed through my bloodstream, she finds time to let my brain know what she thinks. My brain refuses, but my soul overrules and my mouth speaks in a whisper. “I had to find you after your run and tell you how great you did. I’m … I’m so proud of you, Parker. I get it, trust me, I get what we are. Not that we are a ‘we,’ but you know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t. Tell me.” His growl startles me, and I whirl around to stare at him, his eyes burning.
“I’m not blind!”
“You sure ‘bout that? How’d you go and turn what just happened into shit? Fuck!” His fist slams against the steering wheel.
“Please, you know what the hell this is about.” I try to keep my voice calm to play off my emotions.
“Do you?” There’s a knock on the glass beside Parker. It’s a girl, shocker.
“Might wanna get that. Looks like someone else is looking for a ride too.” I go to open the door, but it’s locked. “Unlock the door.” My voice remains calm.
“Look at me.”
“No. Your next number one is here.” I know how childish I sound, but it’s the least of my worries at this moment.
The sound of his window motor fills the truck. “Hey Parker, Do you-”
“Busy.” And then he rolls it back up. “Fuckin’ look at me, Kelsey.” I don’t. Instead, I focus on the dragonfly that just landed on the hood. “My bare dick was just inside of you. Look. At. Me.”
“That doesn’t entitle you to me.”
“The fuck it doesn’t. I own that sweet pussy. Go, try and see if it wants any other flavor but me. You’ll be fuckin’ mistaken’.”
“Just might.”
“You do and that’ll be the last time you have me.”
“Maybe I don’t want you.”
“Keep tellin’ yourself that.”
“You’re an arrogant asshole.”
“Well, you attacked me for my dick today, so I must not be that bad.”
I jerk on the door handle. “Unlock this or I’ll break it.”
“Kiss me.”
I scoff. “Are you insane?”
“Again, you were just ridin’ my dick. I know you’re pissed now because you don’t understand it, but I still need a kiss.”
“Go kiss another girl.” I cross my arms.
“I don’t want any other girl.” My heart flutters. He leans over and wraps a hand around my wrist, untangling my arms. “I want you.” When I lean in to kiss him, he pulls away. “But I want you to want me just as bad as I want you.” I stare at him, dumbfounded. “I want you to crave me, and I always get what I want.”
The door unlocks, and I scurry out. Away from him and away from the feelings he erupts in me.
No, thank you. Emotionless is my comfort zone.
About The Author
I’m Texas proud with the accent to prove it. During the day I wear scrubs as a cape
and try to save the world one patient at a time as a nurse. At night, mainly Friday
nights, you can find me with a glass of wine faithfully by my side while I type away
on the computer. I seem to get my days and nights mixed up, because my best ideas
come around midnight, so I’m a complete night owl. I have a long-term boyfriend
who puts up with my crazy and a black lab named Sadie AKA Sadie Lady. In the in-
between times of my life, I’m just tryin’ to survive my twenties with beer, good
friends and fun adventures!
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