Madison had it all; the wealth, the amazing condo and engaged to the boxing Heavy
Weight Champion of the world.
But in reality all she had was loneliness.
Until he showed up.
Yoel’s plan was bulletproof.
Get in and get out, win the title.
He did his homework but not well enough.
He wasn’t prepared for her.
One night changes everything.
One lie blurs the lines.
When the lust and smoke clears will everything just be a false illusion
Or will it be the biggest fight of all?

Release Date : 25 April 2016
Genre : Romance
Author : A. Cramton
Buy It Now !!Amazon
I draw my eyebrows confused. “I thought that’s how this was working, we have sex-“
“We fuck, Madison. But then you go and start asking me to hold you, asking about my day. My job.” He cuts me off. “You can’t make the rules and then not follow them, but go missing for days.” He pauses taking a breath. “You can show up whenever you want to get fucked and I’m supposed be here waiting? But yet when I call you I get no reply.”
Okay, he was definitely upset. We sit in silence for what feel like forever. I don’t know what to say because, let’s face it, he’s right.
“I’m sorry,” I manage to say.
He doesn’t reply right away, instead he stands up and grabs my chin between his fingers.
“I want you naked. Now.” His tone is hard.
About The Author
A. Cramton is a wife, and mother who was born, raised, and is still a resident of
Sunny, San Diego, California. When A is not working a fulltime job and attending to
her son and husband, she loves to indulge in a juicy romance novel. A is a hopeless
romantic who is in love with love, and has a guilty pleasure for celebrity gossip.
After being a part of Naughty Smutty Book Blog, and reviewing multiple love stories,
A decided to pursue her own dreams of being a published author.